Acupuncture |
Acupuncture |
Chinese Face Reading |
Acupuncture – a time-tested form of Chinese medicine – has become a popular alternative in the United States for effective treatment of acute and chronic pain. Disposable, sterile, thin (hairlike), solid, stainless steel needles are inserted into specific points on the body to relieve pain. In Chinese, these points are called Jie, or ‘neural nodes’. The stimulation of these nodes effects both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Acupuncture triggers the release of the body’s internal chemicals such as endorphins and enkephalins, which are known for their pain relieving benefits.
The Balance Method is over 2,000 years old and was developed using the I Ching (one of the oldest books in the world) as a model. This method has several names including ‘I Ching Acupuncture’, ‘Distal Point Acupuncture’, or ‘The Balance Method’. Treatment using this method produces immediate results, making it an invaluable treatment for pain and many other conditions. Regardless of the name, the effects are nothing short of amazing.
While acupuncture can be performed anywhere on the body, most treatments are located between the elbows and fingers, knees to the toes, or toes and on ears. Rarely does a person need to remove their clothing, and treatments are extremely effective. Patients find treatments very comfortable, and frequently fall asleep during the treatment.
At the Cary Acupuncture Clinic, we believe that Chinese face reading can not only be used to evaluate your health but will also provide profound insights into the patterns of emotions you struggle with, your personal strengths and challenges, the type of work you will be drawn to and much, much more.
Chinese Face Reading is based on an ancient branch of Chinese medicine. References to face reading can be found in texts dating back to 600 B.C.E. Original face readers were highly educated scholars and Taoist Monks whose role was to be a combination of priest, healer and compassionate adviser.
In ancient China, physicians were not allowed to touch women during the diagnostic process so reading the face became an important skill set to have. Close observation provided doctors with a deep understanding of their patients genetic history and personality traits.
Each face is a map of the past, present and future. Your face is a reflection of your own unique inner blueprint – it reveals your genetic history, life experiences, your present health and where you are headed.
Chinese medicine has long believed that emotions play a significant factor in health. The mental and physical selves cannot be separated and therefore, the same information read on your face to investigate the condition of your body can also reveal the qualities of your inner emotional nature.
Click HERE to learn more about a Chinese Face Reading session and to schedule your appointment.