The first appointment will take approximately 90 minutes which includes the acupuncture treatment. A health history is taken and the acupuncturist will ask to see your tongue and take your pulses! Don’t worry – this is part of our diagnostic process. Palpation of acupuncture points will typically be performed to determine which muscle group or organ system is affected.
Follow up visits generally last 60 to 70 minutes. During each visit a progress report is discussed followed by an acupuncture treatment. We prefer to leave the needles in approximately 45 minutes but the treatment length will vary according to each patients unique treatment plan.
Treatments are done on a weekly basis, ideally two to three times a week for the first two weeks, twice a week for a month or so and once a week after that. Once the condition has been controlled and you are symptom free the treatments are done less frequently. Health problems that have been around for a long time (chronic) usually take longer to resolve than newer or acute health issues.
Acupuncture needles are hairlike thin. Patient experiences are varied – some feel nothing at all as the needles are inserted. Others may experience a slight pinching sensation, a dull ache (which dissipates) or a sense of warmth where the needle is inserted. Most patients fall asleep or experience a deep sense of calm during the acupuncture treatment.
That will depend on the length, severity and nature of the complaint. Generally 10 to 20 treatments are necessary for most chronic disorders. Some acute conditions may only need one treatment. Degenerative conditions may need up to 35 to 40 treatments. Acupuncture treatments build on each other so progress is evaluated with each treatment.
Many insurance companies are starting to cover acupuncture. Please contact your insurance company and ask whether your policy covers acupuncture by a Licensed Acupuncturist. The Cary Acupuncture Clinics policy is payment is required at the time of treatment.
We will provide a “Super-bill” receipt upon request which you may submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. A super-bill will include the diagnosis code, itemized costs and necessary company information. Also, please consider that acupuncture and herbal formulas are fully covered in Flexible Spending Accounts or Health Savings Accounts.
The Cary Acupuncture Clinic requires payment at time of service. We do not file for insurance.
However, if you would like to file for reimbursement we will gladly create a super bill which will include the ICD-10 diagnostic code.
Every insurance plan offers different benefits. Some plans cover acupuncture and others do not even when it is the same insurance carrier. We recommend that you call the number listed on the back of your insurance card and ask the questions you find on the Insurance Benefit Checklist document located in the New Patient section.
Acupuncture is covered under Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s) or Health Savings Accounts (HSA’s). The Cary Acupuncture Clinic accepts FSA and HSA credit cards as payment.
We ask that all new patients contact our office to schedule their first appointment. You can reach us at (919) 696-4570.
At the time of your appointment, we ask that you bring with you a completed Health History form, which you can download below.
For existing patients, online booking is available.
Use the button below to select the type of appointment you’d like, the date you’re interested in and scroll down in the small window for available times.
If you don’t see an appointment time you need, please contact me by email or text message to (919) 696-4570 with your request. I will do my best to accommodate your schedule!
If you need to cancel a scheduled appointment, please call our office at (919) 696-4570 at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. Any appointments canceled without 24-hour notification are subject to the full appointment fee.