Cary Acupuncture Clinic, Inc. is dedicated to providing quality healthcare while educating patients about Chinese Medicine which includes acupuncture, acutonics, herbal medicine, Chinese face reading, and lifestyle choices of exercise and diet.
Cary Acupuncture Clinic is owned and operated by Debbie Goodwin, L.Ac. Debbie’s goal is to work in partnership with her patients in their quest for optimal health.
Debbie specializes in treating acute and chronic pain including, but not limited to: back pain, bursitis and tendonitis, Bell’s Palsy (facial first 3 to 6 months), headaches & migraines, neck pain, sciatica, shoulder pain (including frozen shoulder), sports injuries and TMJ.
She also enjoys treating mild depression, anxiety, stress and tension, allergies and digestive issues.
To see a complete list of what acupuncture can treat, please check out other conditions.