At the Cary Acupuncture Clinic, we believe that Chinese face reading can not only be used to evaluate your health but will also provide profound insights into the patterns of emotions you struggle with, your personal strengths and challenges, the type of work you will be drawn to and much, much more. Face reading can help provide the answer to two fundamental questions for your life:
Who are you? What is your calling?
Chinese Face Reading is based on an ancient branch of Chinese medicine. References to face reading can be found in texts dating back to 600 B.C.E. Original face readers were highly educated scholars and Taoist Monks whose role was to be a combination of priest, healer and compassionate adviser.
In ancient China, physicians were not allowed to touch women during the diagnostic process so reading the face became an important skill set to have. Close observation provided doctors with a deep understanding of their patients genetic history and personality traits.
Each face is a map of the past, present and future. Your face is a reflection of your own unique inner blueprint – it reveals your genetic history, life experiences, your present health and where you are headed.
Chinese medicine has long believed that emotions play a significant factor in health. The mental and physical selves cannot be separated and therefore, the same information read on your face to investigate the condition of your body can also reveal the qualities of your inner emotional nature.
Come as you are! Our goal is to help empower you with information about your inner self. Face reading clients say that they have a chance to fall in love with themselves – to appreciate what their facial lines and wrinkles communicate. So come with an open mind to appreciate your true self.
Private consultations last either 30 minutes or 60 minutes. Quite a lot of information can be provided in a 30 minute session. However, if you like a more in depth conversation you might prefer the 60 minute session. The 30 minute consultation is $125.00 and a 60 minute consultation is $200.00.
During a private consultation Debbie will read the patterns in your face and birth date to show you the design of your inner nature, where you are in the cycles of life and to empower you to step into your personal and professional success. For example, your inner nature will show what your main personality is – who you show up to be every morning.
Your inner nature will also show how you are handling life emotionally or what emotional patterns you default to when under stress. Finally, your inner nature will show you what life challenges continually come up in your life.